Sunday, 30 September 2012

Introduction to Class Diagram with Examples

                                                   The UML Class Diagrams

       A class diagram describes the types of objects in the system and the various kinds of static relationships that exist among them. It is a graphical representation of a static view on declarative static elements and a central modeling technique that runs through nearly all object-oriented methods. The richest notation in UML.
We Discuss here :-

Essential Elements:

1. Classes

2. Attributes

3. Operations

4. Relationships

5. Examples of Class Diagram for 
          - Library management system
          - Hospital System

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Introduction to Mobile IP

Introduction to Mobile IP

IP version 4 assumes that a node’s IP address uniquely identifies its physical attachment to the Internet. Therefore, when a corespondent host (CH) tries to send a packet to a mobile node (MN), that packet is routed to the MN’s home network, independently of the current attachment of that MN (this is because CHs do not have any knowledge of mobility). 

When the MN is on its home network, and a CH sends packets to the mobile node, the Mobile Node obtains those packets and answers them as a normal host (this is one important requirement in Mobile IP), but if the MN is away from its home network, it needs an agent to work on behalf of it. That agent is called Home Agent (HA). This agent must be able to communicate with the MN all the time that it is “on-line”, independently of the current position of the MN. So, HA must know where the physical location of the MN is. 

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Reason for PHP 6.0.0 Delay..

The development of PHP 6 has been delayed because the developers have decided the current approach to handling of instance Unicode is not a good one, and are considering alternate ways in the next version of PHP. The updates that were intended for PHP 6 were added to PHP 5.3.0 (namespace support, late static bindings, lambda functions, closures, goto) and 5.4.0 (traits, closure rebinding) instead.

Reasons for Delays to PHP 6

The reasons for the delay to PHP 6 appear to be: